Tuesday, February 7, 2023

New year, New me


And here it is, 2023 has finally arrived. I mean 2022 had a rough start but eventually it became great at the end, and since 2023 is here I have some new year's resolution that I want to achieve this 2023. Firstly, I want to get good grades and make my parents proud. Second, I want to earn as much money I can in this year and never spend it. Third, I want to change I lifestyle, I want to be healthy, be fit, all that good stuff that will change me. And lastly, I just want to enjoy this year, yeah there might be a time that I'll get stressed out a lot, but I overcome that last year so I know I can overcome it this year. well, that's all I want to happen this year, wish me luck and have a great year to all of us.

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Change, it starts with me

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