Monday, May 1, 2023

3 down 1 to go

       With the 3rd quarter ending, I learned a bunch of stuff, yes I struggled this 3rd quarter but manage to pass through it and I'm proud to say that, I did my best in this quarter and hope to improve this 4th and last quarter of junior high school. It may sound normal but for me it kind of sad because I realized that all of us are growing so fast and almost going on our separate ways once we reach senior high.

3rd quarter was a blast. This was the most interesting quarter I have experienced yet, its was hard but I did my best to get through my tough situations, doing html, community based research, and more. It was super fun and exciting, but I didn't do it alone, I did it with the help of my classmates and teachers thanks to them I managed to get through the 3rd quarter and hope to have the best last quarter with all of them

3rd quarter was the best quarter, and I hope that by the end of my junior high days I would proudly say to myself that I did a great job.


  1. Well done Kaye-Z! Only a quarter remains!

  2. All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

  3. Congratulations on passing and surviving this quarter. Continue the hard work, Kaye-Z.

  4. Congratulations on surviving this quarter. Continue working hard

  5. Glad you enjoyed despite struggling! You did well!

  6. you did well, nickolo !! i'm always proud of uuu <3

  7. May you continue to strive for the last quarter. :>


Change, it starts with me

C hange is difficult. It is risky, slow to develop, and subject to criticism. And often, one's fear of others is what prevents them from...