Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Our Children's Happiness


      The Philippines observes National Children's Month every November. Giving Filipino children access to a healthy environment, a quality education, and healthcare is the goal of this month-long celebration. The national hero of the Philippines, Dr. Jose Rizal, famously declared that young are the country's future and that raising children is essential to improving the next generation. This holiday also stems from an empathetic place. The majority of families in this third-world nation struggle financially, and the children are the ones who suffer the most. This month's focus is on the ways in which we can support and assist them.


     Many nations throughout the world had already been celebrating "Children's Day" before the Philippines began marking National Children's Month. It all started in June 1857. when Reverend Dr. Charles Leonard led a unique service especially for the kids. He first referred to it as "Rose Day," then "Flower Sunday," and ultimately "Children's Day."

In 1920, Turkey became the first nation to declare this day a national holiday. However, it wasn't until 1925 that International Children's Day was officially declared during the World Conference on Child Welfare in Geneva, Switzerland. With the introduction of the International Children's Day on June 1, 1950, numerous communist and post-communist nations followed suit, with India and Uruguay issuing a joint resolution in 1954.

On November 20, 1989, the Philippines became the first country to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Council, the National Youth Commission (N.Y.C.), The Department of Social Welfare and Development (D.S.W.D.) and the Committee for the Welfare of Children (C.W.C.) were entrusted with coming up with initiatives, strategies, and fundraising events to support children in need.

The goal of National Children's Month is to assist children who have experienced abuse, hardship, natural disasters, and violence. In fact, the number of children who experienced sexual abuse and exploitation in 2013 alone was alarmingly high.

By adopting Republic Act No. 10661 in 2015, the late Philippine President Benigno Aquino III declared November to be the country's official National Children's Month.


1 comment:

  1. We do need to protect children and even have to fight for their rights. Nice Blog Kaye-z!!


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