Wednesday, November 9, 2022



by: Kaye-Z Itchon

A. What are the learnings that I have gained? I learned about the internet timeline,The major components which is the Web Browser and the Web server,Data types, The protocols,The different types of blogs, and the Search engines.

B. What are the problems/ challenges I have encountered? Having slow internet and not finishing my blogs on time

C. How did I address this challenges? I stayed in my Aunt's House to finish my blogs


  1. Hii, thank you for sharing this. But please make it briefly. Anyways, always focus on your acads.;>

  2. glad to know that you are trying your very best to finish all your requirements despite the slow internet connection


Change, it starts with me

C hange is difficult. It is risky, slow to develop, and subject to criticism. And often, one's fear of others is what prevents them from...