Sunday, May 21, 2023

Change, it starts with me

Change is difficult. It is risky, slow to develop, and subject to criticism. And often, one's fear of others is what prevents them from moving forward with change. The hardest and most terrifying element of the process is the initial step since it leaves one up to risk. However, it also creates prospects for independence and immense freedom. Making the decision to bring about change is difficult, and continuing down that road by really putting forth the work is equally difficult and crucial, but as the saying goes, nothing worthwhile ever comes easily.

Everything you want is just outside of your comfort zone, according to a quotation I came across at some point in my life. “Everything you want is right outside your comfort zone”, I see how true the quote was. We can only accomplish anything spectacular when we break from our typical routine and act in a unique way. Change is a departure from the norm, to put it simply.

Change is inevitable. It is also common to fear change. But doing it nevertheless is part of what makes us human. We are members of the human race, and rather than being characterized by our capacity to alter the course of events, we are best described by the decisions we make for ourselves and the things we do to improve ourselves as people, as this is where genuine change begins. 

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Change, it starts with me

C hange is difficult. It is risky, slow to develop, and subject to criticism. And often, one's fear of others is what prevents them from...