Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Unexpected Stop

 Going back, when classes were suspended I didn't think that much of if. But when they announced that we will be having a suspension of classes for 2 weeks, I was shocked and happy at the same time because we didn't have classes. I enjoyed every day at home because there were no classes. Then they announced Lockdown, I was kinda scared because we might never go back to school again.

Months have passed, and I started to worry, "when will this lockdown end?, when will we be going back to school again?" I questioned. Then suddenly, DepED announced that we'll be having a modular learning due to this Pandemic. At first it was easy, but it becomes more and more challenging every time, there were times that I couldn't pass my modules on time because I was exhausted and tired and I didn't have time to do my modules

But I didn't give up, I did my best and passed all my modules. But after all my modules were done, I think to myself "when will class start again? I miss my friends and classmates, I want to see them again. Then they announced that we will be having a full Face to face classes and I was so Happy that I could see my classmates again...

1 comment:

  1. This is the first time that I'm going to say this to you, I'm proud of you, Kaye-z.


Change, it starts with me

C hange is difficult. It is risky, slow to develop, and subject to criticism. And often, one's fear of others is what prevents them from...