Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Me, Myself and I

My name is Kaye-Z Nickolo Matthew R. Itchon, Now i know what your thinking why is my name so long? well, it started when my mom and dad chose what would be my name. Dad said it should be Kaye-Z Matthew while my mom said it should be Kaye-Z Nickolo. Then when my Dad got it registered, He mistakenly put both names in my birth certificate. Yep that happened but I'm not complaining because my name is kinda unique in my opinion.

I live in Brgy. 9 Cuta, Vigan City, but I'm currently living in San Ildefonso, Bahet. I'm 15 years old and i was born on February 7, 2007. I'm quite shy when it comes to making friends, but once you know me your life will be miserable. Just kidding I'm joyful when you get to know me and i will always be by your side no matter what. My hobbies are Photography, Drawing, Playing Volleyball, Biking. But when it comes to school, I'm kinda lazy but i have no choice but to do my best cuz i don't want to be a let down to my parents especially my Mom. My daily routine is kinda like other students routine, you wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, learn something new, eat lunch, go home, eat dinner, review if you have quizzes or tests, then you sleep

that's kinda what my life is, normal. I'm just a student who is doing his best in his studies until I graduate in college, cuz my dream is travelling around the world especially Japan because i love anime and i want to see what japan looks like in my perspective. And my dream Job? i can't decide whether becoming a Police Officer or a Engineer but since I'm still in Grade 10 I still have a bunch of time to decide. That's all about me thanks for reading!!


  1. My dream destination also is Japan, looking forward meeting you there, I guess?

  2. Don't call it a dream, call it a plan and don't give up

  3. "I will always be by your side no matter what" I see that you are one of the best-best friend they should have. Just continue your plans in life and maybe one day, you will not be as lazy as today, right? haha just kidding. Study hard, Kaye-Z. I know, you'll be a successful man someday.

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  6. hey gio! nice meeting you, looking forward to be your friend!

  7. kidding, i like your energy and positivity! but yeah, continue on being kind and reliable, please know that you're the best guy I've ever know, your doing great gio, always know that i got your back and i will always be proud of you.


Change, it starts with me

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